
Google cloud vision ocr pdf
Google cloud vision ocr pdf


In Case you love to work with Python for OCR You can read our detailed article on how to use OCR with Python in UiPath Let me tell you working of all the ocr engine follow similar steps …so it wont be challenge for you if you would like to experiment with other OCR Tools. There are few other options available but based on the various question asked on forums, I have selected the top six to perform the experiment with. We will use Abbyy Cloud OCR for our use case.

  • Abbyy Cloud OCR – This requires a subscription.
  • Abbyy OCR – This requires you to install Abbyy FineReader on your local machine and purchase a license.
  • Also known as Microsoft Azure ComputerVision OCR.
  • Microsoft Cloud OCR – This uses the Microsoft Computer Vision API, which is also free to sign up for.
  • Microsoft OCR – This uses the MODI OCR Engine, which is also free to use, and the processing is done locally like Google OCR.
  • Google Cloud OCR – This requires a Google Cloud API Key, which has a free trial.
  • Also, this processing is done on the local machine where UiPath is running.

    google cloud vision ocr pdf

    Tesseract /Google OCR – This actually uses the open-source Tesseract OCR Engine, so it is free to use.So if you want learn how to use different ocr engine with UiPath, You will love this case study and guide. Working example with problem statement & different approach.

    google cloud vision ocr pdf

    How to choose the right OCR for your next automation.This is the descriptive blog post to use of OCR engine with UiPath. Step by Step Guide to Using Different UiPath OCR Engines Different Types of Engine for Uipath OCR Problem Statement Input Data Test Cases Output Data Prepare Environment Approach to Solve Problem How to use Different OCR engine in UiPath #2 Using Google Cloud OCR – What is the difference between Google Cloud OCR and Google OCR in UiPath? #3 Using Microsoft OCR – # 4 Using Microsoft Azure ComputerVision OCR – #5 Using Abbyy OCR #6 Using Abbyy Cloud OCR Source Code Result & Observations Few Huddles Key Points you need to remember Conclusions Step by Step Guide to Using Different UiPath OCR Engines

    Google cloud vision ocr pdf